Start new survey on customer satisfaction recruitment tooling

Recruitment Tech has started a new annual survey among users of recruitment tooling in the Benelux to measure supplier satisfaction. Also, the trends in the use of and investments in recruitment tooling are mapped.


In January 2021, a ranking will be presented which providers of recruitment tooling are most appreciated by its users. Users are first asked to answer a number of questions about the use of tooling in 2020 and 2021. Then they are asked an open question to indicate which tooling they will use in 2020 and then assess it.

This is measured on six dimensions:

  • Product quality: how good are the products?
  • Customer focus: is the customer central or the solution?
  • Price/quality ratio: is product and investment in balance?
  • Innovativeness: is the product sufficiently renewed?
  • Service orientation: do you get good help with questions (helpdesk)?
  • Thinking along proactively: does the supplier think along on its own initiative?

Respondents are also asked to indicate the importance of dimensions so that weighting factors can be attached to them. Also, the number of votes is important if vendors score the same. Finally, they are asked to what extent a user would recommend the supplier in question on a scale from 1 to 10, the NPS score.

Ask your customers to participate

As a supplier, it is not your intention to participate. In fact, you run the risk of being excluded from participation for several years. But you can, of course, call all your clients to participate in the research and assess the recruitment tool they use. Recruiters, hr- and job market professionals working on the corporate or agency side get a free online ticket for the Recruitment Tech Event when they participate in the survey no later than November 12th. And they have a chance to win a VIP ticket for the Recruitment Tech Event with lunch and drinks delivered to their home address.

These are the questions

As a supplier you are of course curious about the questions:

  • Type of organization where respondent works (corporate, agency etc.)
  • Organization size
  • Branche
  • Role regarding recruitment technology (decision maker, consultant etc.)
  • Key business drivers to invest in recruitment technology
  • Percentage of budget to recruitment technology
  • Stages of the recruitment process in which recruitment technology is most important
  • Percentage of the recruitment process that is automated
  • Use of categories of recruitment tooling
  • Which suppliers of recruitment tooling are used (open question)?
  • Assessing the mentioned suppliers on 6 dimensions
  • Explanation of assessment
  • NPS
  • Six dimensions rank by importance