Pitch interview setup

Because corona is starting to rear its head more and more, we have chosen that the speakers of both the pitch interview and the breakouts will take care of this from home / office. No speaker will be present on location in Belgium anymore.

Read more about the setup of the pitch interview below.

Form 6

In form 6 you will be asked to submit six photos or a 30 second video, this will allow you to introduce your company and your team and give an impression of the office (no logos unless not possible). A voice-over will record the text provided by you.

A 90 second demo will also be requested in form 6. This demo can consist of separate screenshots or a screenshot in which you walk through your tool. This video/images will be delivered without sound, while playing this video/images the speaker of the pitch interview will tell you live what everybody can see.

Form 7

As of today form 7 is online. In this form you can fill in the questions you want to be asked during the pitch interview.

  • One introduction question, think of:
    • How long have you been active in Belgium?
    • How long have you been active in Belgium? Etc.
  • 2 to 3 questions based on the 90 second demo

Please note that the times of 30 & 90 seconds are set times, if the videos are longer we ask you to shorten them.

Pitch interview setup

  1. We start with the introduction video of 30 seconds
  2. Carol Geens, day chairman, will ask the introduction question after the introduction video
  3. Following is the 90 second demo video, while playing this video, the speaker tells more about what can be seen
  4. After the demo video Carol asks 2 questions
  5. After answering the 2 questions there is a possibility to answer questions from the audience, if there are no questions, question 3 (supplied by you) will be asked.

The pitch interview will be 6 minutes.