All videos must be submitted by 4 June. It seems far away but don’t start too late! All times indicated in this message are the maximum times for the duration of the videos. If videos take too long there is a chance that we will ask you to adjust the video(s) to the maximum time.
Use this form to submit the following 4 videos:
- <12 minutes demo talk
The demo talk is the demo given at the stage, check the program to see when you are assigned.
- <5 minutes demo(s) on the demo spot
This video will be played on your demo spot (booth). You have indicated in form 2 which demo(s) you are going to give. Attention: if you have indicated to give more than one demo, make sure that they all together are not longer than 5 minutes.
- <2 minutes welcome / corporate video (optional)
Would you like to show a welcome / corporate video on your demo spot (booth) in addition to the demo video, then this may take up to 2 minutes. If you only want to see a demo video (of 5 min.) on your booth, you don’t have to deliver this welcome / corporate video. However, please indicate in form 6 that you are using a single screen.
- <1 minute pitch (optional)
Pitch in a maximum of 1 minute why participants have to come to your demo and/or stand.
All videos must be delivered in an mp4-file.